Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cupcakes A La Sprinkles for MIS

These Sprinkles imitation cuppies was made for my MIS class yesterday. That's it. Only 25 pieces, enough for everyone. One person each of course. And I made them smaller than usual. Don't ask why. Hehehs...

Fid texted me today to ask about macarons. And I don't make them. But then I thought, maybe I should make them. Lovely French macarons with fillings would be great. I'll give it a trial run next month. Just you wait, little macarons!


Anonymous said...

ty, sedap la cupcake mu itu..

macam tak puas je makan satu..huhuhu!!

takpe, nanti bebile aku order..skang taleh, dah berapa minggu makan tak hengat punye!!

nyum, nyum!!!!!!


Not-So-Tiny Me said...

Sab the anonymous,
Heheh..makan jgn tak makan...

Anonymous said...

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