Monday, March 24, 2008

Road Signs

My good customer placed another order. Her usual favourite - Pnut Butt (vanilla cupcakes with peanut butter filling).

I took the opprtunity to decorate the cupcakes with road signs. Simple, but cute enough to be placed on cupcakes.

Friday, March 21, 2008

F1 Fever

These were made in conjunction to Formula 1. Patterns are challenging enough for me but it was a good call. I managed, I guess...

I'm kinda proud of the cars and the F1 logos. But come to think of it again, I'm almost always proud of my produce. And to Miss Izura, I hope you like them as much as I do.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cupcakes A La Sprinkles for MIS

These Sprinkles imitation cuppies was made for my MIS class yesterday. That's it. Only 25 pieces, enough for everyone. One person each of course. And I made them smaller than usual. Don't ask why. Hehehs...

Fid texted me today to ask about macarons. And I don't make them. But then I thought, maybe I should make them. Lovely French macarons with fillings would be great. I'll give it a trial run next month. Just you wait, little macarons!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Wedding Gifts

These were for another wedding. Order was made by my regular client, for her staff's wedding. She asked for a cake and fifteen mini cakes in the flavor of peanut butter.

This job was different since I had to use lots of sugarpaste to work with. At first I planned to make my own sugarpaste but I didn't dare to put this job at risk. You know, in case my sugarpaste didn't turn out good. So, as usual, I bought ready-made.

I really need to start making my own sugarpaste. The next semester break, I'll put my hands on it. Anyways, I like the peanut butter cake. It was tasty. It's just too bad for peanut butter haters.

Wedding Favors

The last school holiday saw me doing this cookie favors for a wedding. This is only my fourth cookie job and I seriously think that it can be improved.

Also, I think i might need an assistant for this kind of job. The decorating part almost drove me up the wall! But nevertheless, when everything's done, it was satisfaction all over again.

The Many Birthdays

So I have not been here for a loooonnngggg, time. But it doesn't mean I quit the hobby. Am still active. In fact maybe too active that I don't even have the time to update this blog. But here goes. Most of them simplified...

There were birthdays in january and February 2008. The job was an ass job and a shoe job.

I think the ass was a bit too round...I couldn't think of a way to make them sag a bit. But I suppose, perky ass is alright?